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Sunday 12 December 2010


Learning French can be very rewarding and it will broaden your cultural and social horizons. French is a very beautiful language because of its many intricacies and complex rules. Despite that, French still sounds like one of the most disarming and flowing languages of the world. To me it’s sort of like ballet, the way stiffness and rigor become, ironically, the very means to attain grace.

I find comparison to ballet actually spot on because, learning teaching yourself French depends on dedication, training, and most importantly, passion. If you are a native English speaker, you have to begin training your mouth and tongue to make unusual movements and sounds, much like a beginning dancer would take up the basic ballet forms and exercises. With a bit of practice, and with a bit of help from multimedia resources which are available in the internet, you can teach yourself French. I would suggest trying to get the hang of the many vowels and consonant sounds that French has which are not found in English.

A related and perhaps equally difficult aspect of the French language is the way words are spelled. Although the letters pretty much resemble those in English, some combinations of these letters produce sounds not used in English speech. As if that were not enough, many words are spelled with silent letters, while others, when combined, imply the addition of a consonant or vowel sound. Add to this the sometimes confusing use of accented vowels and you can see why a beginner might be easily discouraged and might direct you to a foreign language that is closer to English.

Challenged yet? Congratulations, if you are still reading on! Maybe you’re thinking of some simple methods of teaching yourself French. I bet that you’ve probably already thought to yourself: you can definitely benefit from memorizing the French names of numbers and the French alphabet, and I highly recommend that you do just that. You can also try memorizing lists of other things like the vocabulary for simple objects around the house, colors and the days of the week, not to mention learning how to count. Take note though that nouns in French, even inanimate objects and ideas, all have gender. So it’s a good idea to memorize nouns along with their gender.

French verbs are also difficult to get down because you must congregate them based on tense, singular-plural form, and yes, even gender. Verb conjugation can be really dull especially because each verb has six conjugations for every tense/mode. Do the math, that's over twenty ways of writing just one verb! On top of that, after you finally learn how to conjugate, you’ll realize that there are thousands of exceptions to the rules.

Finally, you you have to take grammar into account when constructing your sentences. Although there are 3 basic sentence structures in French, namely: normal sentence structure, negative sentence structure and interrogative sentence structure, you will find that just like everything else in the language there will always be exceptions to the rules.

You might be thinking that they designed their language precisely so no one else could learn it! But don’t be misled. More than 50 countries around the world speak French!

That is why I say that if you want to know how to teach yourself French, honestly there’s no instant way. But that’s really the charm of learning anything worthwhile, isn’t it?


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